Make Your Own Hydrometer for Glazing Success
Many ceramic artists stress the importance of having glazes mixed to a consistent thickness especially when making incised ware. The…
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Many ceramic artists stress the importance of having glazes mixed to a consistent thickness especially when making incised ware. The…
As clay artists, we’ve all upcycled old, out-of-use objects into useful studio tools (think credit card rib). I love repurposing…
Extruders are great tools for the clay studio and it is super fun to use them to make extruded pottery…
Dipping pots in glaze can be challenging at times—especially when you can’t hold onto a foot ring. Glazing tongs can…
Getting glazes or casting slip to come out the same from batch to batch is a lot easier if…
When making tall, narrow forms, it can be challenging to get a sponge into the bottom to collect excess water…
I saw Virginia Cartwright demonstrating at a Potters Council (now the International Ceramic Artists Network–ICAN) workshop a couple years back…
Fixing a clogged drain is hard work and expensive. Making a drain trap is easier and cheaper than you might…
Painting clean lines on clay can be a mess if you don’t have the right tools. Preston Rice was in…