A Surprisingly Simple Way to Print Images On Clay

photo lithography on clay
A couple of years ago, I had the pleasure of watching Kristina Bogdanov demonstrate a really cool way to transfer photographic images onto clay surfaces. And, don’t worry! We captured the whole thing on video to share with you, my faithful readers!

Though the name sounds a bit intimidating, photo lithography image transfer onto clay, is not a terribly difficult process. You just need to get a couple of tools that you might not have on hand, but once you do that, it’s a piece of cake. In this video, Kristina shows us how. – Jennifer Poellot Harnetty, editor

For best finished results, Kristina suggests using darker Mason Stains, such as:

  • Royal Blue 6339
  • Deep Brown 6109 or 6190
  • Black 6657 or 6666

Some oxides can also work, although Mason Stains are the most reliable for strong color.

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